

Email: eyassudagnew@yahoo.com

Dear Eyassu,
Please feel free to cite me. “I strongly recommend visiting Ethiopia with Marvelous Ethiopia Tours. This tour operator turned out to be a very reliable partner and I enjoyed the trip very much. The accommodations provided were at a high level compared to the countries standard. Actually, I compared several offers before choosing Marvelous Tours because of the price / value ratio”.
Dr. P.Vorburger, Switzerland 


Dear Eyassu Dagnew
We wish to thank you for the very nice tour of Ethiopia you organized for us.
You are a very nice person, and it was a pleasure to be in your company for two weeks.

From the very beginning you did your best to arrange the trip in the way you understood for our request; we preferred, and you went on making the best trip in Ethiopia.
Your country has magnificent landscapes and extremely interesting religious traditions. You are a very professional guide and a very pleasant person to be with. Your knowledge of Ethiopian history and culture is wide, so we always got an answer to our many questions, and you were very patient when it came to the many photo stops, we asked to make! You were always present but discreet at the same time, which we think, is important. For what you proposed and offered us, you showed to be a very correct person.

We wish you all the best for your agency, Marvelous Ethiopia Tour, which will surely develop as well as it, deserves. 


Email: eyassudagnew@yahoo.com

Cecilia and Christian Bauer – Luxembourg


Hi Eyassu!
We enjoyed the service provided and we have fond memories of Ethiopia; we have lots of photos and video to look at and show people.
Thank you for your great service and for arranging the tours in Ethiopia. It was great


Email: eyassudagnew@yahoo.com

and we will strongly recommend both you and Ethiopia to all the travel agents we deal with and also to anyone who is traveling to East Africa.
Again thank you for your professional service, it was very much appreciated.
Leah + Stewart Marlow (from Australia)


Dear Eyassu,
I am very happy with the service you have provided particularly with your prompt responses to my emails.
I have found you to be a reliable and a responsible tour operator who was concerned about the comforts of the tourists. If any of your future prospective customers require reference, you can feel free to direct them to me.

I wish you all the best in your new venture.

S Vasanthakumar


Hi Eyassu,
I am in Kenya; I will be very busy when I return to the US after being gone for this time period; so, I will be happy if I give you a few words now.

I would say that Ethiopia is a very interesting country to visit as the people, culture, history and landscapes are all very amazing. I appreciate for your program which turned out to be great indeed.
I think that Marvelous Ethiopia is doing a good job and that is very important. As in most cases you will receive what you pay for.

Best regards,
Bruce Huston, USA


Dear Eyassu,

We, the 4 people had a wonderful time during our trip to Ethiopia.

Time spent on the road was important and it enabled us to see a variety of landscapes, villages and people. We appreciated the green landscapes and the contact with the populations. Food was very good, and accommodation was perfect.

We were happy that you accepted our plans and at the same time that you made suggestions.
We liked the fact that you and the driver were always happy despite the driving time and our high expectations.

– We liked the walk in Dinsho area (Bale Mountains National Park) which enabled us to


Email: eyassudagnew@yahoo.com

see the wildlife and meet the local people.
– The car was comfortable, and we appreciated that the driver washed the windows after the rain.
– It was nice to be welcomed with some flowers.

Thank you again, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,
Eve + the 3 friends


Lieber  Eyassu Dagnew,

Ich kann Marvelous Ethiopia Travels wirklich aus vollem Herzen empfehlen:

Ich hatte nur 10 Tage Zeit, hatte meinen Flug bereits gebucht und etwa 12 verschiedene Agenturen in Addis angeschrieben, ob sie mir einen Monat vor Abflug bei der Planung einer Tour auf der historischen Route helfen könnten.

Eyassu von Marvelous hat mir sofort ein sehr gutes Angebot gemacht, eine Reise, auf der ich das Maximum sehen und erleben konnte, ausgearbeitet und keine Mühen gescheut, um mir noch dazu ein orthodoxes Weihnachtsfest in Lalibela zu ermöglichen.

Er hat die ganze Tour für mich allein organisiert, Flüge, Hotels und das ganze Programm gebucht und das noch dazu zu einem fairen Preis.

Er hat immer sofort auf meine Mails geantwortet und ist ein sehr


Email: marvelousethiopia@gmail.com

verantwortungsvoller und freundlicher Mensch.

Ich hatte eine wunderbare Zeit in Äthiopien und fühlte mich immer hervorragend betreut. Ich kann ihn also wirklich nur empfehlen.

Ulrich Walter (from Germany)


Dear Eyassu Dagnew,

We’ve been back at home for a month, and we are now with our everyday life.


Email: marvelousethiopia@gmail.com

We are still in fond of our wonderful trip that we did to the south of Ethiopia.

Thank you very much for the excellent organization of the trip and the professional guidance.

During the journey we felt very well and always very well supported. We recommend Marvelous Ethiopia Tour, to all our friends. Our daughter was very excited about you and speaks very positively about her travel experiences.

We hope that in the coming years we will be able to travel to Ethiopia and we would be happy to travel with you.

Until then we would like to keep in touch with you and wish you all the best for the future.

Best wishes,

Addise, Astrid and Hermann (from Austria) 



Dear Mr. Eyassu!

It is a pleasure to me to forward to you this letter!
In our small group, we had been with you for three weeks; the service was perfect and excellent in the entire trip. We felt safe all the time. We can recommend your travel agency to anyone! I am sure; we will get your service once again.
Thank you for everything you did.

Best regards,
Peter Buchner + Buchner Kurt + Dür Andreas (from Austria)


Excellent country and tour company – especially Eyassu Dagnew who organized 14 days wonderful tour itinerary.

Best regards,

Joy and David Shukla (from United Kingdom).

Email: marvelousethiopia@gmail.com


Dear Eyassu,


Email: eyassudagnew@yahoo.com

Thank you for the 21 days marvelous trip in Ethiopia that you organized for us.

Your planning was simply perfect and the information that we got exceed our expectations.

Best wishes,

Family Gruber,

Ernestine & Leonhard + Petros + Workie / Austria


Dear Eyassu,

Thank you for organizing this impressive trip and for being a great guide!

We wish you lots of blessing for the future and hope to meet you again someday!

Best regards,

Willi, Gerda und Eyerusalem / Austria


We were blessed with a daylong tour during our stay in Ethiopia organized by


Email: marveltour@yahoo.com

Marvelous EthiopiaTour.

We managed to cram in a great deal, were kept interested and informed by our highly knowledgeable tour guide, Eyassu Dagnew, and had a most enjoyable time. We have no hesitation in recommending Marvelous Ethiopia Tour!

Edouard Gendron and James Browne

(From United Kingdom)


Dear Eyassu,

I am very happy and much enjoyed my short visit to Ethiopia, especially the visit to the lake and the interesting stops and the restful stay at the lake lodge. 

I have recommended to the people I met that they should consider a visit to your country.

I wish all the best to you and for your tour company, Marvelous Ethiopia Tour.


Email: marveltour@yahoo.com

Best regards,

Harry Jones

(From Washington, USA)


Dear Eyassu Dagnew,

I had a good stay in Ethiopia – I did all I wanted to do.

Your help and your professionalism were very important to achieve my goals for my stay in Ethiopia.

Thank you and you can be sure that I will recommend you for people who want to travel in Ethiopia.

Best regards,


Email: marvelousethiopia@gmail.com

Rui Sousa (from Portugal)


Dear Eyassu,

Thanks a lot for arranging our two weeks trip to the north of Ethiopia (historical tour including trekking).

We highly recommend you as a tour organizer with excellent price value ratio.

Everything worked out perfectly and we had a completely smooth trip. All drivers and guides were very good. What we want to highlight is your flexibility to adjust the trip to our changing requirements before and even during the trip and the last afternoon with you in Addis Ababa.

In addition, you were available at any moment in time during the trip in case when you are needed.

We are very much appreciated with your flexibility in our trip!                                                               

Email: marvelousethiopia@gmail.com

Best regards,  

Wolfgang, Karin, Melanie & Maike from GERMANY 


Dear Eyassu,

I’ve now been with you as my tour organizer and guide four times. If anybody needs proof of how good, you are then they should be guided by my excellent tour guide and fun in your care. My interests in seeing the diversity of Ethiopia, its history, culture and wildlife (particularly birds) have been fully delivered. I may have failed to see the Ethiopian Fox during my latest tour in 2019 but over 180 species of birds in one tour was a great achievement.

Working together to identify what we had seen instead of being told, results in a much deeper knowledge and a better ability to identify subsequent sightings of the same species.

There can be no doubt that a native Ethiopian as a guide provides the tourist with advantage. I have learned much about the long development of Ethiopian culture, but you have also allowed me to get closer to everyday, modern living in town and country.

Many thanks for your professional tours and friendship.

Chris, Oxford, England.

Email: marvelousethiopia@gmail.com


Dear Eyassu Dagnew,
I thank you for the very nice tour of Ethiopia you organized for me.
You are a very nice person; I travel alone as I want and have felt
very comfortable with the tour you arranged for me.
I haven’t any problem with all the destinations in North and people
who work with you are very professional and kindly.
Eyassu, from the very beginning, you have done your best to arrange the trip in the way that I wanted.
You understood my request clearly (safe and comfortable trip) and youarranged it perfectly.
Please feel free to cite me. “I strongly recommend visiting Ethiopia
with Marvelous Ethiopia Tour”

Juan Baza, Spain


It’s my pleasure to express my beautiful feelings for Marvelous Ethiopia Tour

  • for the wonderful itinerary.

  • for visiting your beautiful country.

  • for visiting the Land of Legends OR the Land of Coffee (Buna)

A great visit too many places like Bahir Dar, Lalibela, Axum, Gondar, Harar and Addis Ababa.

Awesome 10 days with domestic flights, accommodations, transport, guide and entrance ticket.

Thank you Eyassu Dagnew for showing me the beauty of your country!

Haytham Abou-Sido (from Qatar).       

Eyassu (Guide) and Haytham at the national museum in Addis Ababa.

Eyassu and Haytham in a hotel, Bahir Dar.


Dear Eyassu,
we arrived home today at 7.30 in the morning.
We had a good trip back home and we are fine.
Thank you for your service, we are very happy to spend the whole trip, 15 Days with you. We also would like to say thank you for the very nice evening in the Traditional Restaurant in Addis Ababa.

Have a good time until we meet each other again.

Best regards,                                                                 

Anwar, Petra and Gernot (from Austria), November 2019.                                          

Boat Trip on Lake Tana


First, I booked a flight to Ethiopia; after that I used Marvelous Ethiopia Tour plc as my guide before I left the UK. 

Eyassu the owner set up all the visits to my specifications.

I had a wonderful time; nothing was too much for Eyassu to sort out for me.

He booked the hotels, transfer flights, and cars within Ethiopia and he also took time to show me his country.

This company offered value for money, and I would recommend Marvelous Ethiopia Tours to anyone travelling to Ethiopia and needs support getting around.

Atu Equiano, United Kingdom.                                                                                                                                                        


Email: eyassudagnew@yahoo.com

Inside Adadi Mariam rock hewn church, at a distance of 66 km from Addis Ababa (with Eyassu / Guide).










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